According to the latest rumors coming from the Asian continent, Huawei would have decided to put aside the projects related to the launch of its own TVs to devote itself instead to smart displays that can count on 5G connectivity, support to artificial intelligence and the IoT ecosystem.
It seems that behind the decision not to create TVs there are the difficulties encountered in developing special receivers that take into account the differences between the frequencies and channels used in the various European countries and in the United States.
These new rumors come within a few days of those according to which, instead, Huawei would have already prepared two models of 55 and 65-inch smart TVs to be launched in April.
Going to "coordinate" these two conflicting reports, we could go so far as to hypothesize the launch of smart displays with large screens (like those of classic televisions) but without tuners: in essence, it could be a new way of understanding TV .
These devices should also be equipped with a camera, a component that will probably be used to allow users to make live broadcasts and video chats and enjoy similar features.